An electronic invoice is the digitalization of transaction data between suppliers and buyers. It replaces paper or electronic documents such as invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. E-invoices cover typical transaction types in B2B, B2C, and B2G. For B2G transactions, the e-invoice process is similar to B2B.

For B2C transactions, if the end consumer doesn't require an e-invoice for tax purposes, the supplier can issue a regular receipt or invoice following current practices. By the 7th of next month, suppliers need to issue consolidated e-invoices, reporting the total normal receipts or invoices issued to end consumers.


E-invoices apply to all taxpayers engaged in commercial activities in Malaysia. E-invoices contain basic information similar to traditional documents, recording transaction data for daily business operations, such as

  1. Detailed Information of the Supplier and Buyer 供应商和买家的详细信息
  2. Product Description 商品描述
  3. Quantity 数量
  4. Untaxed Price 不含税价格
  5. Taxes, and so on 税金等等 
When to issue an e-invoice:

There are two situations that require issuing e-invoices:
1. Income proof: Whenever there is any sale or transaction, an e-invoice needs to be issued to confirm the taxpayer's income.
2. Expense proof: These documents cover the taxpayer's purchases or other expenditures, including returns and discounts. They can also be used to correct or subtract income based on recorded amounts.

Additionally, in certain situations, taxpayers must issue self-billed e-invoices to record expenses, such as foreign transactions. For example, if a taxpayer purchases goods and/or services from a foreign supplier who doesn't use the Malaysian MyInvois system to issue invoices, the taxpayer will need to issue a self-billed e-invoice to record the expenses.

什么时候需要开具电子发票 :



E-invoice issuance requires 51 pieces of data, which can be categorized into nine (9) groups:

  1. Address,
  2. Business details,
  3. Contact phone,
  4. Invoice details,
  5. Relevant transaction parties or companies,
  6. Details of relevant transaction parties or companies,
  7. Payment information,
  8. Product/Service,
  9. Unique ID number.


  1. 地址,
  2. 业务详情
  3. 联系电话,
  4. 发票详情
  5. 聚会
  6. 派对详情
  7. 付款信息
  8. 产品/服务
  9. .唯一ID号
No. Target Group Implementation Schedule
1 Taxpayers with annual turnover or income exceeding RM100 million August 1, 2024
2 Taxpayers with annual turnover or income exceeding RM25 million to RM100 million January 1, 2025
3 All other taxpayers July 1, 2025

The annual turnover or income will be based on the audited financial statements or tax return forms for the year 2022 (as applicable).
For new businesses or new transactions starting from 2023, the implementation date for e-invoices is July 1, 2025.

Types of e-invoices to be issued:

  1. Invoice(E-invoice): A document recording transactions between a Supplier and Buyer, including self-billed e-Invoices for expense.
  2. Credit Note: A credit note is issued by Suppliers to correct errors, apply discounts, or account for returns in previously issued e-Invoices, reducing the original invoice value without monetary return to the Buyer.
  3. Debit Note: A  document issued by Suppliers indicating additional charges on a previously issued e-Invoice.
  4. Refund Note: A document issued by Suppliers confirming the refund of the Buyer’s payment, used when money is returned to the Buyer.

Example 1:
Mr. Jamal, the supplier, sold 200 office chairs to Greenz Sdn. Bhd., the buyer, and issued an e-Invoice for the transaction. Greenz Sdn. Bhd. paid RM2,000 for the chairs, priced at RM10 each. However, 8 of the chairs received by Greenz Sdn. Bhd. were faulty and returned. Mr. Jamal then issued a refund e-Invoice for RM80 (RM10 x 8 faulty chairs) to document the refunded amount.


No. Target Group Implementation Schedule
1 Taxpayers with annual turnover or income exceeding RM100 million August 1, 2024
2 Taxpayers with annual turnover or income exceeding RM25 million to RM100 million January 1, 2025
3 All other taxpayers July 1, 2025



  1. Invoice 发票:一份记录供应商和买家之间交易的文件,包括用于费用的自开票电子发票。
  2. Credit Note 贷方借据:商家发出的文件,用于更正错误、应用折扣或记录之前发出的电子发票中的退货情况,减少原始发票金额而不向买方退款。
  3. Debit Note 借方票据:商家发出的文件,说明之前发出的电子发票中的额外费用。
  4. Refund Note 退款:商家发出的文件,确认向买方退款的支付,用于将款项退还给买方的情况。

Mr.Jamal(供应商)向Greenz Sdn. Bhd.(买方)销售了200张办公椅,并为此交易开具了电子发票。Greenz Sdn. Bhd. 支付了200张椅子的总价2000令吉(每张椅子10令吉)。然而,Greenz Sdn. Bhd. 收到的8张办公椅有问题,因此被退回。Mr.Jamal随后开具了一张退款电子发票,金额为80令吉(即每张有问题的椅子10令吉×8张),以记录退款金额。

Platform/System to issue E-invoice


  1. MyInvoisPortal:

    • Allows individuals to generate electronic invoices through a comprehensive form.
    • Option to bulk upload transactions through a spreadsheet for processing multiple transactions.
    • Available for all taxpayers (suitable for businesses requiring electronic invoices but unable to connect to API).
  2. API (Electronic Invoice Software):

    • Highly suitable for large taxpayers or businesses with high transaction volumes.
    • Requires upfront technical investment and adjustments to existing systems.
    • API connection allows direct establishment with IRBM. 
  3. Middleware & system provider services
    • Automates the creation, transmission, validation, and storage of invoices, significantly reducing manual effort.
    • Supports various invoice formats and standards, automatically converting invoices from different suppliers into a unified format.
    • Easily integrates with your existing financial systems, ensuring consistent data across platforms.


  1. Invoice Generation: : Suppliers generate electronic invoices for sales or transactions, including adjustments, and submit them to IRBM for verification via MyInvoisPortal or API.

  2. Invoice Verification: LHDN conducts real-time verification to ensure compliance with regulations. Upon verification, a unique ID is provided to the supplier for tracking and security purposes.

  3. Verification Notification: LHDN notifies both the buyer and seller after verifying the e-invoice through MyInvoisPortal or API.

  4. Issuing the Invoice: After verification, suppliers send the verified electronic invoice, including a QR code, to the buyer. The QR code, accessible via MyInvoisPortal, allows verification and tracking.

  5. Rejection and Cancellation of E-Invoices: Buyers can reject invoices with valid reasons provided, while sellers can cancel them within a specified period, with valid reasons provided.

  6. MyInvoisPortal: Both buyers and sellers can access transaction details and manage electronic invoices via MyInvoisPortal.



  1. MyInvois Portal:

    • 通过综合表格实现单独生成,并可选择通过电子表格上传进行批量生成以处理多个交易.
    • 所有纳税人均可使用(需要开具电子发票但无法连接API的企业).
  2. API(电子发票软件):

    • 非常适合大型纳税人或交易量大的企业
    • 需要对技术进行前期投资并对现有系统进行调整。
    • API连接可直接与IRBM建立
  3. Middleware & system provider services(中间件和系统提供商服务)
    • 自动化发票的创建、传输、验证和存储,大大减少了手工操作。
    • 支持各种发票格式和标准,可以将来自不同供应商的发票自动转换为统一格式。
    • 轻松与您现有的财务系统集成,确保平台之间的数据一致性。

  1. 生成发票: : 商家为销售或交易生成电子发票,包括调整,并通过MyInvoisPortal或API提交给IRBM进行验证。

  2. 验证发票: LHDN进行实时验证以确保符合法规。验证通过后,供应商将获得一个唯一的ID用于跟踪和安全目的。

  3. 验证通知: LHDN在通过MyInvoisPortal或API验证电子发票后通知买方和卖方。

  4. 开具发票: 验证通过后,供应商向买方发送经验证的电子发票,包括QR码。通过MyInvoisPortal可访问的QR码允许验证和跟踪。 

  5. 拒绝或取消: 买方可以提供有效理由拒绝发票,而卖方可以在指定期限内提供有效理由取消发票。

  6. MyInvoisPortal: 买方和卖方均可通过MyInvoisPortal访问交易详情并管理电子发票。


For the convenience of adopting electronic invoices, the following types of income or expenses do not require electronic invoices (including self-generated electronic invoices):

(a) Employment income
(b) Pension
(c) Alimony
(d) Dividend distributions under specific circumstances (details can be found in Article 11 of the 'Specific Guidelines for Electronic Invoices')
(e) Zakat
(f) Scholarships


(a) )就业收入
(b) )养老金
(c) )赡养费
(d) 特定情况下的股息分配(详情请参阅《电子发票具体指引》第11条)
(e) 天课(Zakat)
(f) 奖学金

Assessing Readiness for E-Invoice Implementation:

To ensure that the business is prepared for the implementation of electronic invoices in the coming months, you can undertake the following key steps to assess readiness and standardize the process:

  1. Ensure that the human resources are equipped with the capabilities required for the implementation and supervision of electronic invoicing.

  2. Determine the availability of data sources and structures, assess the capability of the company's Information Technology department (IT department) to support the system's preparation, and ensure compliance with the requirements and processes of electronic invoicing.

  3. Review the current processes for issuing transaction documents (i.e., invoices, return receipts, purchase orders, and refunds).


Assessing Readiness for E-Invoice 电子发票的准备:


  1. 分配并配备具有采用和监督电子发票实施所需能力的人员.

  2. 确定数据源和结构的可用性、支持系统准备情况的当前IT能力以及遵守电子发票要求和义务的流程;和

  3. 审查当前签发交易文件的流程(即发票、借项通知单、贷项通知单、退款)

General Question

An e-Invoice is a digital record of a transaction between a supplier and a buyer, replacing paper or electronic documents like invoices, credit notes, and debit notes. It includes essential information such as supplier and buyer details, item description, quantity, price before tax, tax, and total amount, recording transaction data for daily business operations.


To enhance efficiency and accuracy in transactions, ensure tax compliance, reduce administrative costs, improve transparency and traceability, prevent fraud, promote environmental sustainability, and align with global standards.


According to Budget 2024, the Prime Minister has proposed that the first phase of mandatory e-invoicing will commence in August 2024, with the goal of fully implementing the e-invoicing policy by July 2025, which is 18 months ahead of the earlier projections.
Details of e-invoice implementation timeline:

  Targeted Taxpayers Implementation Date
Stage 1 Companies with a turnover of RM100 million and above 01/08/2024
Stage 2 Companies with a turnover of RM25 million and above 01/01/2025
Stage 3 All business 01/07/2025

根据《2024 年财政预算案》,首相建议从 2024 年 8 月开始强制实施电子发票的第一阶段,目标是到 2025 年 7 月全面实施电子发票政策,这比之前的预测提前了 18 个月。

  涉及公司 实施日期
第一阶段 营业额 1 亿令吉及以上的公司 01/08/2024
第二阶段 营业额 2500 万令吉及以上的公司 01/01/2025
第三阶段 所有企业 01/07/2025

Regardless of whether it’s B2B, B2C, or B2G, e-invoice is required, and the entities involved include:

  • Association;
  • Body of persons;
  • Branch;
  • Business trust;
  • Co-operative societies;
  • Corporations;
  • Limited liability partnership;
  • Partnership;
  • Property trust fund;
  • Property trust;
  • Real estate investment trust;
  • Representative office and regional office;
  • Trust body; and
  • Unit trust.

无论是B2B, B2C还是B2G都需要使用电子发票。

All industries are required to implement e-invoicing, and there are no exemptions for any specific industry at this moment.


  1. Automotive
  2. Aviation
  3. Luxury goods and jewellery
  4. Construction
  5. Wholesalers and retailers of construction materials
  6. Licensed betting and gaming
  7. Payment to agents /dealers/distributors 

  1. 汽车业
  2. 航空业
  3. 奢侈品和珠宝业
  4. 建筑业
  5. 建筑材料批发商和零售商
  6. 特许博彩和游戏
  7. 向代理商/经销商/分销商付款

An e-Invoice is a digital representation of a transaction between a supplier and a buyer. e-Invoice replaces paper or electronic documents such as invoices, credit notes, and debit notes.
The e-Invoice will enable real-time or near real-time validation and storage of transactions, catering to Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Government (B2G) transactions.
The primary aim of e-invoices is to help buyers claim tax relief. If a transaction qualifies for tax relief, buyers need to ask sellers for an e-invoice. These invoices contain more detailed information than regular invoices, such as the buyer's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and Identification Card (IC) number.
However, if the expenses don't qualify for tax relief, like daily expenses, buyers don't need to request e-invoices.


Self-billed e-invoicing is a process where the buyer creates the invoice on behalf of the seller for goods or services received. In this scenario, the buyer assumes the responsibility of generating and issuing the invoice, typically based on the information provided by the seller. This method is often used in business-to-business (B2B) transactions where the buyer has more control over the invoicing process and wants to streamline their accounting procedures.

这种方法通常在企业间(B2B)交易中使用,买房将会对开票过程有更多控制,其自开发票也可作为买方的支出证明,并提交给 LHDN 进行验证。

  1. Payments to agents, dealers, distributors, etc.
  2. Goods sold or services provided by foreign suppliers
  3. Profit distributions (e.g. dividend distributions)
  4. e-commerce (details not yet available)
  5. Payments to all betting and gaming winners (in casinos or from gaming machines)
  6. Purchase of goods or services from non-sellers

  1. 向代理商、经销商、分销商等付款
  2. 外国供应商销售的商品或提供的服务
  3. 利润分配(如股息分配)
  4. 电子商务(详情尚未公布)
  5. 向所有博彩和游戏赢家支付款项(在赌场或从游戏机中)
  6. 从非商家处购买商品或服务

No, an e-invoice is an invoice that is created and issued in a format that the LHDN system can automatically interpret electronically.

  • E-invoice Format: XML, JSON.
  • Unsupported formats : PDF, DOC, JPG, etc.


  • 电子发票格式:XML,JSON
  • 不支持的格式:PDF,DOC,JPG等等

Invoice(E-invoice): A document recording transactions between a Supplier and Buyer, including self-billed e-Invoices for expenses.


Credit Note: A credit note is issued by Suppliers to correct errors, apply discounts, or account for returns in previously issued e-Invoices, reducing the original invoice value without monetary return to the Buyer.


Debit Note: A  document issued by Suppliers indicating additional charges on a previously issued e-Invoice.


Refund Note: A document issued by Suppliers confirming the refund of the Buyer’s payment, used when money is returned to the Buyer.

Invoice 发票:一份记录供应商和买家之间交易的文件,包括用于费用的自开票电子发票。


Credit Note 贷方借据:商家发出的文件,用于更正错误、应用折扣或记录之前发出的电子发票中的退货情况,减少原始发票金额而不向买方退款。


Debit Note 借方票据:商家发出的文件,说明之前发出的电子发票中的额外费用。


Refund Note 退款:商家发出的文件,确认向买方退款的支付,用于将款项退还给买方的情况。

A TIN number is a person’s tax number.

TIN 号码是指税务识别码。

No, e-invoicing is required for both domestic transactions and cross-border transactions, which include import and export activities.


Yes, the supplier will be able to create e-Invoice in draft. The e-invoice will only be accepted for tax purposes after successful validation. 


If you have any inquiries about the implementation of e-Invoicing in Malaysia, kindly send an email to myinvois@hasil.gov.my or drop us a message.

如果您对马来西亚电子发票实施有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 myinvois@hasil.gov.my ,或给我们留言。

You can use any device with a QR code scanner, such as a mobile phone camera or a QR code app, to scan the QR code. It will then take you to the validated e-Invoice link.

您可以使用任何带有 QR 码扫描功能的设备,比如手机相机或 QR 码应用程序,来扫描 QR 码。

MyInvois portal. All invoices authenticated by LHDN will have a copy on the MyInvois platform, where both sellers and buyers can easily locate them.

MyInvois portal. LHDN认证的所有发票都将在MyInvois平台上有一份副本,商家和买家都可以轻松在MyInvois portal找到。